Knitting For Charity

(This is double-posted here and over at Cats, Sheep, & Penguins because I couldn’t get into the admin part of this blog. That is, the page hung for about two minutes and I got fed up and closed the tab. You should check out CS&P anyway, because there are some other cool posts over there.)

My name on Ravelry is “glitterbug” (natch!), and I’m a member of 39 groups, one of which is Knitters For Obama, which, at 7:14 pm on Earth Day 2008 has a total of 1234 members. The Knitting With Hillary group, by stark comparison, has only 183 members. Our group has organized a “call to service” effort; we’re knitting baby bonnets and bibs to be donated to NICUs in upcoming primary states in honor of The Gentleman From Illinois. For whatever reason, I cannot for the life of me get the NICU T-Bonnet to print, so I’m making simple bibs. I found the perfect buttons today at Flying Fingers in Tarrytown, NY (my favorite LYS). Posing with the newly sprouted hosta, here are the four I’ve finished, ready to be Priority Mailed out to North Carolina tomorrow. As to the yarnover eyelets on the red one top right; yeah, I thought about that halfway through. Eyelets? On a bib? Not too savvy. But cute. What do you think?

3 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    milmom said,

    Those are adorable!

  2. 2

    melanie said,

    I think the bibs are adorable! Why not eyelets? Why not cables? Just because they’re going to be dribbled on (and worse…) doesn’t mean the little one shouldn’t begin to wear beautiful handcrafts. Who knows? Childhood memories of beautiful bibs could influence a future knitter!

  3. 3

    J. Screeb said,

    Thanks! Interested in swapping links? I like your site too, aside from the fact that your background threw me into a seizure after 20 minutes. 🙂

    – J. Screeb

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