Archive for April, 2007

For the little Bug

My sister’s big baby shower giftMy sister is calling her unborn child “Bug.” Which is cute. They’ve got some cool names picked out, and she’s got a rockin’ wishlist. So I chose the Baby Bjorn baby carrier for her and Tom from the BabiesRUs gift registry. I thought too late about doing custom printed M&M’s with “Bug” on them; they wouldn’t be ready until the 17th. Ick. I’ve gone to a few sites to see about games to play, and there are a few funny ones, like this one:

The Cotton Ball Game

With this game you will need two large bowls, one of which should be filled with cotton balls plus a large kitchen spoon and a cloth to use as a blindfold.
Each guest in turn competes in this game. Blindfold the guest and give one minute to transfer as many cotton balls from one bowl to the other just using the kitchen spoon.
Make a note of how many of the cotton balls each guest can transfer in exactly one minute. The guest who transfers the most cotton balls is the winner.
Due to the fact that the spoon is quite heavy and the cotton balls are quite light it is very difficult for the guests to tell while blindfolded whether they have anything in the spoon, consequently they will spend most of their time transferring an empty spoon. This is very amusing for the other guests to watch.

UPDATE: 11:13 pm

Kwanzan cherry Rosaceae Prunus serrulataWell, we didn’t go see the tree or the grill and remembered this morning that we didn’t go see Lewis Black last night (D’oh! We fucking had tickets to his sold out show for months and totally spaced). So fucking pissed off. We did watch Heroes and House and Doctor Who stuff like The Weakest Link wih an all-celebrity cast. Found a much cheaper cherry tree online; Carolynn said that she still wants to get us a housewarming tree, and I think this would be a great idea. I need to ask my dad some advice about planting it though, or maybe my brother, Sam. I want to plant it in the front yard (such as it is) where in a few years I’ll see it from my office window.

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Waiting to go see the “expander…”

Dr. B. doesn’t like the term “shrink,” he likes “expander.” I filled out more of the questionnaire, but I haven’t finished it. I’m very dehydrated I think. Nervous and tetchy. Stomach wobbly. I don’t know if I’m going to like going there, and as usual, I don’t know how much I can get accomplished in 45 minutes. $130. Jesus that’s a lot. At least it’s a lot for once a week. All I want to do is go shopping for yarn, too. Denial, I guess.

G wants to go look at the Vermont Castings grill at Fireglow. I bet you do, I told him, half-jokingly. The thing is like $1700. It’s gorgeous, and we’d never have to buy another one. I think they’re warrantied for about forever. It’d match the house, too. Like that was ever a concern for me, I was always about fitting my liking. I used to make fun of those people. Now I am one of those people. Yeesh.

Carolynn’s baby blankie 04/27/07

I have to totally stop working on my newest sock and work on my sister C’s baby blanket. Her baby shower is next Saturday, the 5th. Yipe! I’m just not happy knitting with farn (Fake yARN). Although it is a wool/acrylic blend, it’s the acrylic that’s got me hot and bothered. It just isn’t draping right. Maybe it’s the basketweave stitch that’s making it lie funny. It might also be that we don’t get along all that well. I do NOT want to knit bad feelings into this blanket I so do NOT.

I stopped taking the Abilify altogether. I’ve still got the akathisia in my right leg and it’s damn annoying. Hopefully, it isn’t permanent. I’m still taking the Wellbutrin, a fiber pill, and a multivitamin.

UPDATE: 6:48 pm

The session with Dr. B. was good for a first session anyway. I feel like he understands me. I feel listened to, that no matter what I say he will listen and be interested. He said he’d adjust his fee to help out, which I think is very cool. I’m going to also see if my dad is willing to help out, although he probably won’t be. Even though all this crap is their fault at the base of it. I still have the rest of the questionnaire to fill out.

Pop-Pop’s Mystery Lotto came through again with another little bundle for us, so that’s a little tiny weight off my back. The IRS cashed our checks so we’re back down to not much in the bank, although if I’m right, today is payday. Just checked and yes, it is, although I am making like no fucking money for what I work.

Tortellini, sausage, and sauce. Yum!I’m still hungry, even though I had two hot dogs for lunch at 3:30 or so. Crackers? What to do for dinner, what to do…there is some sweet sausage and sauce in the fridge, and I can make tortellini (yum! just butter for me, thanks) (I love how you can see the steam coming off the food). Yeah, I think that’ll do it. Then some Sopranos with dinner, a VitaminWater, a little knitting before bed. Found a nursery that has a cherry tree the right size and for a good price on the way home from Dr. B’s. We’ll go see it tomorrow.

And maybe, the grill. We can dream, can’t we?

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Hello world!

luvknitting.gif This is going to be my new blog. G’s fixing it so that the URL will be “” I’m going to export all my LJ posts too. The only thing I don’t like so far is that it isn’t as easy to import pictures I think.

Pye is sitting in the box o’fiber next to my desk. Dear Pye.

I have an appointment with Dr. B. tomorrow at 1:30 and I’m not done with the fucking 12-page questionnaire he set me.

K. and I went to lunch at Cheesecake Factory, (Pasta da Vinci – yum!) and afterward I spent $$ on beads at the new Beadworks in White Plains across from The Container Store. Holy baby jeebus, they’ve got some pretty things. Hello new earrings and stitch markers!

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